
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Podcast - Learning A Second Language

    Hello again,
    Today I present to you a one-minute podcast about language learning and its benefits. Now,
truth be told, I didn't have anywhere near enough time to talk about how important learning a
second language is but, I did explain the most basic and noticeable effects of knowing a second
    If I had just a little more time I would've talked about how I would contribute to this... idea of
mine. Well, the answer is actually a bit obvious: I study ELT at university, so I am capable of
teaching English, but this contribution is on an individual level. In order to let everyone learn
I would need a team of skilled people and with some advertising, political influence, capital
and luck I feel like this could be a possibility. 
    Anyway, that's all for today. Take care!

Update: I've uploaded an extras, a director's commentary, or just a more casual version of
my work above. I just talk about the topic for a bit longer (yeah "a bit", almost 8 minutes). 
You can listen to it if you wish. 

Alright, goodbye!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Digital Natives and Immigrants

    Technology is fascinating. What's even more fascinating is how fast technology develops. Think about it, at the beginning of the 20th-century advancements in technology were mostly seen as accidental but today, in the 21st-century we know that developments in technology are not accidental but inevitable. Technology will advance as long as we exist. 

    Now today I will be talking about 21st-century learning, especially language learning. Many different methods have been developed over the years but it is a fact that in order to learn a language efficiently you need to use it in your daily life and the internet is a magnificent place to use and practice your English provided that you know how to use the internet correctly that is.

    If you ask me, the internet is like the New New World. In the 15th century, explorers set sail to discover new lands far beyond the ocean. The internet is similar in the way that you explore and discover new information and resources to help you learn. To give an example, not too long ago I discovered a Japanese language teaching website that provides me with more than sixty online courses for free but as I said you need to know how and where to look to find these very valuable things and the people who know how and where to look are what we call digital natives.

    Digital natives are basically people who were born into technology, unlike other older people who we call digital immigrants. Think of it this way, your grandma will most definitely ask for your help when signing up for Facebook or posting on Instagram but you don't need to ask anyone, you already know how to do these things. How? The answer to that question is the same as how you learned your first language, you gained that ability over time. You can see more examples of digital natives when you look at children. They all know how to use smartphones and tablets, presumably better than you.

    We can talk about how Gen-Zs are much better at using technology all day but you already get the point I think. 

    So take care!


    Hello, hello... Is this thing working?

    Oh, hi there! I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Kaan, a 19 years old ELT student at Marmara University. I like playing video games, listening to music, reading, writing, and speaking in English and shodo (Japanese calligraphy). 

    Now, this blog will mostly be about my Educational Technologies course. I will be talking about why technology is important in education and how technology should be used in teaching and learning. I may also write about any important developments in technology, should I find them appropriate and important enough to share here. 

    Well, that's all for this first blog. See ya in the next one.

Final Post

  Well... This is awkward.      I had actually intended my last post to be my... well, last post but I just learn that my last post is suppo...